Could that sweet Darkness where they dwell by Emil

Эмили Дикинсон -Сергей Ёлтышев
Ужель их жизни милой тьме
раскрыться нам когда -
красу бы их приветя, звон
исход сиротству дал...

(Контекст в комментарии.)
[David Preest:
This poem is part of a letter (L643) to Maria Whitney.
She had just told Emily that she was about to retire
from teaching at Smith College in Northampton. She was
presumably intending to leave the area, as Emily
introduces the poem by saying, ‘I shall miss saying
to Vinnie when we hear the Northampton Bells – as in
subtle states of the West we do – “Miss Whitney is
going to Church” – though must not everywhere be Church
to Hearts that have or have had – a Friend.’
Then she says in the poem that if we could actually see
where our friends are living, the clamour of the bells
for their loveliness would burst open our loneliness.]

Could that sweet Darkness where they dwell by Emily Dickinson

Could that sweet Darkness where they dwell   
Be once disclosed to us               
The clamor for their loveliness               
Would burst the Loneliness --