Count not that far that can be had, by Emily Dicki

Эмили Дикинсон -Сергей Ёлтышев
Не в счёт ни даль, что можно внять,
хоть лёг закат меж нас,
ни запредельность с тем родства,
кто дальше Солнца враз.               

(Смысл последних строчек двуедин:
1. Неблизость родственника рядом, далёкого по духу;
2. Далёкость неродственника, близкого по духу.)

[David Preest:
Towards the end of a letter (L318) of May 1866
to her friend Mrs Holland Emily writes,
‘You refer to the unpermitted delight to be with
those we love. I suppose that to be the license
not granted of God.’ In other words, circumstances
or God do not allow the two of them to be together
just then. And so, to comfort her absent friend,
she adds this four line poem, which says in effect:
‘Even though sunset lies between us, we can be close
to each other in memory, while two people in the
same house can be further away from each other
than is the sun.’ Then Emily ends the letter with
‘Love for your embodiment of it’ or ‘I send you
my love because you embody the truth of my poem.’]

Count not that far that can be had, by Emily Dickinson

Count not that far that can be had,    
Though sunset lie between --            
Nor that adjacent, that beside,         
Is further than the sun.