The hunter to Wi-Fi

Замир Осоров
Some people around us
edits  his life, arranging and re-arranging
all positive and negative practices into his past and present,
some works hard with habits,
trying to change subconsciousness
and make it as supersonic jet
in run for money predominantly,
some works with past,
but Dominic is hunting
to electromagnetic frequencies
which emitted in modern world
from everywhere and everything:
from cars, from wires, pulled inside and outside,
from PC and most of all
from mobile phones and Wi-Fi –
O yes this excellent gay
has done everything
for protect himself and family
from such kind of smog,
that so very little investigated yet
for the matter of its harmful effects
to our body, mind and brain,
to our children and newborn…
and despite all these mounting troubles
we still know nothing about this wast smog
which so broadly and densely covered us
in towns and country,
in flat and open space,
even when we climb up on mountain
in searching to fresh air and good health
we often left there alone
under the aim of powerful retranslators,
from which we can not hiding.

Of course, Dominic is a great person
although many count today
his business as far fetched,
going ahead on and on
completely unprotected
through electric jungle
inhabited and packed so densely
with the so little investigated, learned and classified
risks, dangers, emanating from invisible but poisonous
snakes, rats and insects
getting out from mobiles, vacuum cleaners, wires, Wi-Fi –
all these so wide-ranged and transmitted frequencies,
what about so little informed you and I.