32 S W

Андреа Дженнифер Олайя
У Дзангары стрелявшего в 1933 в Чермака(мер Чикаго)в кармане была заметка о Чолгоше...1901-убийство Маккинли,25-го президента США.

Если была та газетная вырезка в кармане Дзангары,то между двумя событиями есть явная связь.

Guns chambered in .32 S&W have been used in at least three notable assassinations:

    Gaetano Bresci used an Iver Johnson revolver chambered in .32 S&W to assassinate King Umberto I of Italy on July 29, 1900. Bresci hit his victim with four shots.

    Leon Czolgosz also used an Iver Johnson revolver chambered in .32 S&W to assassinated United States President William McKinley at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York on September 6, 1901. McKinley was shot twice in the abdomen at close range, and although he did not die immediately, he eventually succumbed to gangrene on September 14.

    Giuseppe Zangara used an United States Revolver Company (a subsidiary of Iver Johnson) revolver chambered in .32 S&W to assassinate Anton Cermak, Mayor of Chicago, on February 15, 1933, in what may have been an attempt to assassinate President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt. Cermak was shot in the lung and died on March 6, 1933.

Т.е. в двух случаях совпадение

Iver Johnson

was a U.S. firearms, bicycle, and motorcycle manufacturer from 1871 to 1993. The company shared the same name as its founder, Norwegian-born Iver Johnson (1841–1895).


.32 S&W.
