Olga Karakhanyan

Семён Игоревич Зуев
Kuma's birthday is today!
 Outside the window-the second of January...
 Oh, back to where all night fun
 To our world...where all one family...
 Sadness down, add positive!
 Ahead is not the worst of the year
 Be always perky and beautiful,
 With a pure soul, as always!
 Let your eyes still Shine,
 Let as before splashes artistry
 There will be a continuation, I know for sure
 Let the optimism not go out in the soul!
 That health strengthened, did not limp
 To grow not weight, but only income.
 Happiness - & nbsp; a lot, and sorrows-a little
 And let time not hurry the course...
 Ahead of waiting for a joyful reunion,
 The drinking bouts, weddings, anniversaries...
 If to us-a glade we will provide!
 Come to visit as soon as possible!
 Have a clear idea of gatherings,
 I see more than one white Rat a Year...
 ( If that...borrow some money from Lenka,
 Well, we will ask Larisa))).