To satin stitch...

Владислав Михайлович Журавлёв
The remaining years of the satin stitch
 desirable and very, not cross,
 so as not to pore over an old notebook,
 again poking at the lines of the past with his finger.
 Find something to do with your heart,
 with the consent of both spirit and soul,
 to try there are forces of inertia without,
 if only it wasn't in the middle of nowhere.
 But, thoughts pester, beyond the threshold
 what surprises will be waiting for days,
 knock on the drum for nothing alarm
 I won't, circumstances know better.
 You cannot  neither soar nor descend
 for no apparent reason, alas,
 faces flash before my eyes,
 do not pick up the keys to other caskets.
 Yes, in fact, there is no need,
 who cares what and how...
 in the sky a cloud spent a long night,
 now it was replaced by clouds.
 02.01.2020 year