Em. Dickinson Servants not subject to know The nat

ïðîôèëü óäàëåí
 Servants beyond their control
 know the Nature of the proc,
 he's the basis of her confirmation
 weaknesses and trials...
 (Emily to sue. The title is like her note.
 As far as thought is wise, so stupid are people,
 who tried to Express this idea in Russian,
 look on the Internet - what only towns
 not perezahoroneny, not the way, and thickets of fallen trees...)
 [David Preest:
 This poem was the whole of a note (L336) sent to Sue
 apart from the heading, ‘Rare to the Rare.'Nature both
 knows and is fond of showing who her ‘sovereign’ or ' rare’
 people are, two of them being Emily and Sue.
 She would not do it more often even if she were trying
 to answer a charge of fallibility.]
 Her sovereign People by Emily Dickinson
 Her sovereign People               
 Nature knows as well               
 And is as fond of signifying      & nbsp;;
 As if fallible --