New way to Krasnoyarsk

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Through the dark space
 The winter path lies in the taiga,
 Needles new decoration
 I can see again.
 My family is waiting for me,
 Waiting for questions, new year,
 And inside there is judging,
 Big brother is fighting a war.
 The dark essence of torment,
 Bright life.,
 Ghost of past adventures,
 Characters strip –
 So my world is oversaturated,
 It's so hard for me to live with,
 But you can't create without food,
 Without spiritual... how to serve,
 If there is no light,
 Not a single thought?
 How to put an idea in lines,
 Clothe an empty skeleton?
 A lot of thought, very difficult,
 But simplicity is more important,
 The clarity of the case, the urgency,
 But what a bore…
 I'm running away from everyone again,
 I'm running into the dark again,
 What will happen? I don't know,
 I probably don't understand…
 Silence in the car, muttering,
 The neighbors don't want to sleep,
 Dormant hidden desires,
 It's hard to keep them inside.
 I am very much looking forward to our meeting,
 I'm looking forward to our conversation;
 Maybe I'll answer myself,
 I will complete my sentence…
 Many thoughts and doubts
 Overcame a dream on the way,
 Many vain regrets
 Still sitting in the chest…
 Night in the window and lights,
 The smell of fish, hucksters,
 On today are posing point,
 We'll drop a few pennies.
 Morning. Snow... Under the blanket
 Winter sleep nature sleeps,
 Waiting on the way is already so little,
 But it's like he's sad…
 He is inside, in his prison,
 He is inside, in the depths of darkness,
 But not to hide the killer,
 Not escape from that prison…
 Feelings are mixed and strange,
 Overpowered with drowsiness,
 But it strives tirelessly
 Essence in search of a bridge…
 White frost on the trees
 Distracts a cursory glance,
 Horizon strip of blue,
 Pine needles festive attire…