In truth

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  & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; In truth
 Rarely do we hear: - you are not right
 We are from those whose temper is more evil
 Where, it is clear, among all
 Right word, only his
 Many of them are such dealers
 We play the role of fathers
 Just dig a little deeper
 Immediately in sight-dumb as oak
 Life after living and becoming gray
 It's still burning like smoke
 All the fault of disorder-grass
 Everyone oppresses her rights
 Truth is the essence of all its own   
 Its approach, its edges
 Choice, time, pain, laughter
 Your miscalculation and your success
 There's no need to be false
 Wait for a big love for yourself
 Believe in the power of someone's words
 Life on earth is evil
 A bad world is ruled by a lie
 Everyone involuntarily enters into it
 Re-entered-wrinkles his mouth
 As well as all-godlessly lies