About the selection and consistency

Полина Ярославовна Котова
A person is weak, he is overcome by passions, emotions, doubts ...this is his natural essence. This is the disappointing result of thousands of years of evolution.
 After all, it is really difficult to even just live, and in our time-even more difficult ...
 The age of information, the age of temptation...All here it is close, accessible and diverse.
 No need to work, think.. for we have thought and presented on a platter with blue okoumassou, only manage to swallow the next postulate.
 The age of illusions, of great illusions
 And yet it is worth just looking back and see how our ancestors lived, to think about what is really important...
 Folk wisdom for centuries chose their heroes, people who all knew, loved, respected.
 Let's remember some of them from different areas of our life
 Sergius of Radonezh has been an unquestionable spiritual authority for six centuries,
 Great Russian writers-Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin...the list goes on
 even longer ...
 Russian poets, scientists, generals ...
 And our grandparents ... how they lived with dignity... in the poor and without any 
 Folk wisdom has set aside in the minds of everyone unshakable-loyalty, respect for family values, respect for parents
 Now let's ask ourselves, what unites all this? what is the common denominator of the idols chosen by the people and the main values of life ?
 In my deep conviction, the common essence here is a choice, a choice of moral values, a choice of one's life path, service to the chosen cause
 Still constancy, constant fidelity to the choice made
 Drop your anchor...
 Why am I doing this ?
 Without conscious choice OF the way in life, without fidelity and service to this choice (constancy) the person cannot become the person , he cannot live in harmony with himself ... that is why they are even more susceptible to doubts, passions and emotions, and eventually disappear into history and leave no trace behind