
Зоя Юрьевна Куликова
Its  Star  we  searching  for a long time
 In & nbsp; dream & nbsp; wandering  in & nbsp; vanity,
 Flying  in & nbsp; thoughts, & nbsp; very & nbsp; difficult
 Living  from & nbsp; home  in & nbsp; dalika.
 A & nbsp; see yourself & nbsp; under & nbsp; feet,
 Ile & nbsp; throw & nbsp; look  on & nbsp; sides
 We  do not & nbsp; want, considering & nbsp; vulgar.
 We & nbsp; look & nbsp; into the distance, & nbsp; and & nbsp; there & nbsp; deception.
 Lose & nbsp; often & nbsp; we & nbsp; luck,
 Finding her is not easy for us,
 And  remember  when  the loss of
 That & nbsp; heart & nbsp; was & nbsp; hot.
 Star & nbsp; we & nbsp; are looking for & nbsp; days  and  years
 The whole  life  we  in  search  dreams
 And & nbsp; not & nbsp; noticeably,  slowly
 We & nbsp; suddenly & nbsp; go, & nbsp; without & nbsp; Stars.
 Evstifeev & nbsp; Yu. & nbsp; V.
 1993 & nbsp; g.