Ensure the protection of the angel

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Ensure the protection of the angel
 Drive away the evil spirit
 He's tormenting his soul again
 Don't leave me.
 Face its carefully hides
 Touch your belly
 With his cold being
 And I tremble with fear…
 Numb-guest terrible
 In a fierce battle with me
 Intimidating, and unable to
 To overcome it,about what happened to me.
 And whisper, whisper a prayer
 And insidiously exhausted
 The torturer retreats
 I was very surprised.
 Stop the trips to visit
 O guardian angel
 The evil spirit adventures
 He makes me feel all wrong.
 He inclines me again
 Evil something to do
 Impossible evil entity
 Me mind their disclose.
 Give me a shield my angel
 Let him reflect the arrows
 Let me sleep well at night
 Block his visit.