Conversation 2

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It was New year's eve,
 We said Yes to each other.
 How much time together, and here,
 I'm alone today, darling!
 I believe you're looking down from heaven now,
 In the starry sky I catch your shadow.
 I'm sad and cold here
 Without you on our memorable day.
 Outside the window December is noisy,
 The wind sings its songs,
 In my heart, too, sounds
 The echo of our love song.
 I'll put the wine on the table,
 Scarlet roses favorite bouquet.
 I'll look hopefully out the window,
 Distant stars will see the light.
 We could count the stars,
 They were caught joking sometimes,
 How often did you say that:
 " With me near my star,"
 I raise a glass to you,
 I drink to the joy of future meetings,
 Where will you say softly loving:
 "I Could save my star!"
 28.12 2019 49 years since the wedding.