Every day according to an aphorism

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1. Human happiness is to understand your destiny and fulfill it.
 2. Olivier is not so much a salad as a tradition.
 3. It is better to fall to the bottom and break than to fall into infinity.
 4. The cuckoo crowed 100 times. Too happy with it. An old woman sitting next to me said that she was the first to make a wish.
 5. If Alexander Ovechkin (the best Russian player in the NHL) pretends to be a poor lamb-no one will believe him.
 6. The presence of red caviar on the holiday table is often not a measure of well-being, but just an excuse to make an impression.
 7. Looked in the usual mirror-well, freak, looked in the crooked mirror-handsome!
 8. For some, the measure of success - to catch a bird of happiness by the tail, for others-to cook a broth from it.
 9. Paradox: not always a full person has weight for others.
 10. Usually the fly likes to sit on the ground..but. And if it often sits on you and does not want to fly away - this is another reason to think about who you really are.