egalite, fraternite, champagne

Сергей Степанов2
(on democracy)
there are some good democracies
there are the ones which not that bad
there are the old and some are young
there are so pretty, also ugly
there are developed, some still under-
there is the yes, there's not yet
there is the one and not too many
there is a vote, there is no choice
there are the dead and they are many
the one that knows, the others follow
and the minority dictates
on how majority prevails
how all to judge is not so clear
but who to sentence always there
if condemnation is a rule
it's such a pity one would put
it gives you right and takes the future
well, you believe that rings a bell
and alltogether - we the people
the human life is personal
some parts are private, dear
and isn't it so visible
one can be aggressive baby
the pacifier plausible
you stay progressive there
just light my fire - play with it
the world is empty - no desire
the peace is hungry for the way
the question rests but why prevail
there is a procedure
born to die, some say
the fatalistic impulse ...
and spades of shame
play shades of fame
and here comes tomorrow goes
c'est tout pour le moment, n'est pas
ma femme fatale, ты с кем