When angels called

Елена Бингхэм
* Dedicated to my mother-in-law, Peggy.  May she Rest In Peace.

When angels called upon your name
To join them up above,
They knew, the world won't be the same
Without your precious love.

They knew your laughter will be missed,
Your joy, that shined for all,
The warmth for everyone you've kissed
And hugged when they would fall.

They knew your kindness and your strength,
The smile you'd always wear...
They knew you'd go to any length
To show us that you care.

They also knew that it was time
To free you from the pain.
The mountain was too steep to climb,
The efforts were in vain.

And so they took you to the sky,
Where you can heal your soul,
And gave you wings, so you can fly
And soar above us all.

So let the memories we share
Forever be our guide.
And though goodbyes are hard to bear,
You'll always live inside.

Mar 14, 2020