
Альбина Кумирова
Isolated, solitary,
now you may feel afraid.
What's ahead appears scary.
You are frightened and dismayed.

Don't be so paranoid,
hiding in your own shell.
Fill with Jesus all your void.
He will rescue you from hell.

What authorities impose
seems to be on the increase.
Jesus all our feelings knows.
He alone can give peace.

Don't live in isolation.
Call on Him at any hour.
Any virus, radiation
are in His eternal power.

What's ahead appears blurry.
Don't hide in a cocoon.
Don't fear, don't worry,
Christ is near, coming soon.

Live by faith, not by fear,
let your life be sacrificed
to the One who is so dear 
to our souls - Jesus Christ.

If you carry Him inside,
in your heart, He will defend
and will deal with fears' tide, -
He will keep you to the end!
