Дхвани. Из Аланкара-каустубхи

Падмавати Даси
Свекровь меня послала за цветами
Для поклоненья матери-богине,
И вдруг возникла туча грозовая,
Стал лес Хари совсем непроходимым -
Везде темно, колючие лианы,
Качаясь на ветру, шипами машут...
Послушай, о соседка дорогая,
Когда вернусь, что старшие мне скажут?

Пояснение смысла:
Visvanatha Cakravarti: A certain gopi from the cowherd village of Vraja who had gone to the forest of Vrndavana to meet Krsna suddenly sees, before meeting Him, a certain well-known neighbor who had come there for some other purpose, and so she speaks to establish that the reason she has come to Vrndavana is to collect flowers. The gopi reasons, “If by fate I meet this neighbor again after my union with Krsna, then seeing the nail marks and so on, which are signs of the union, she will surely say something.” Therefore the gopi immediately puts on a show of distress in front of the neighbor in order to describe the future signs of union as scratches made by thorns. Hari’s pleasure grove is Vrndavana. The phrase “The rain clouds have come, and thus all the directions have become dark” further implies: “Now I’m unable to return home quickly, therefore I’ll be late.” Moreover, the phrase “My dear neighbor, I don’t know what my elders will think” further implies: “If my elders, perceiving my delay and the nail marks, say something, then I will bring you forth as a witness and will say: “Dear neighbor, what I predicted at that time in your presence (that my body would suffer under the elements) was actually written on my forehead (my fate actually came to pass).” Thus, the clause “The thorny vines are swinging to and fro” implies that when she will again meet that neighbor, the gopi will be able to say: “When I was rushing home, I was scratched by thorns.”