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   Luna loved books so it was perfectly understandable why on her birthday she as usual received a book as a present. She truly believed that the best gift was a book. While she was reading, she could be wherever she wanted to and at any period of time. Of course, everything within the limits of the book but then anyway she could take another book and then the other one… and again to meet new characters and again to be in the center of new unforgettable events. So by reading more and more books, she could break away from reality and dive into a new different or even uncharted world. The world where everything was possible.
The learning campus of college where Luna studied was big but everyone knew each other well. That day her friend Mila from the other study group saw Luna who was sitting in the courtyard and reading. They talked a little about this and that. In the end, Mila asked what Luna was reading. Mila was interested in books so she asked to borrow Luna’s book. Luna had left about twenty pages or something like that to finish reading it, so Luna told her that she could give it to her that day. They said goodbye warmly and agreed to meet after classes closer to lunchtime.

   Somehow, two days later when Mila just started reading the book, she met her mother’s vivid disapproval, who recommended… It’s not known exactly what was recommended to Mila, but already in the evening of the same day the book came back to Luna.

   By that time, Luna managed to praise the book to her friend Ava from the book club and the book quickly went there. Ava after a brief discussion of a book with Luna actively immersed herself in reading. The book was easy to read and she liked that. She read it before bedtime and before classes. She took it everywhere with her. And then one day by chance, when a subway went to another station, her phone rang and in the most active moment of this phone talk, without thinking, she put the book on the next seat. After a few more stops, she got off the subway and left the book that embarked on its adventure further. In the same day, when the loss has been discovered, Ava heartily apologized telling Luna what happened.    
   At about the same time, a young man named Axel finally ran out of the house with a newspaper under his arm and with a backpack on his back. By being late, he walked at a fast pace to the subway station. When he got on the subway and flopped onto the first place next to the entrance, he saw the book that was lying on the seat near him. At this hour of the day, the subway car was rather empty. A few old persons absorbedly were arguing about something in the front part of the subway car, whereas in the back of it, some schoolchildren were giggling about something and their high-pitched voices with active exclamations were pouring down everywhere. At the next stop, it was absolutely clear that he would go further alone, because various groups of people got off at the stop. What else became clear was that the book didn’t belong to these people. Out of curiosity Axel turned over the pages of the book attentively and carefully, but neither the address nor the owner’s name were found. Leafing through several pages and reading several sentences he realized that it was easy and fascinatingly to read the book. He knew that not too many books could surprise him. He was an inveterate reader. He smiled.   

   In a few days in two blocks to the north, the book was in a big light room on one of the many bookshelves. Here it found its new home. In the rays of the morning sun when the doors were opened and new readers came, on a building sign the inscription was well seen Public Library.

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