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Анастасия Столяренко
"Data Science Supervision"

Perform your regression,
Reduce the dimensions,
Whatever! Just, please,
Don't throw me in the thorn bush:
_____Anything but mixing up
And classification!


Запретные слова

Global in del
Lambda is def
Continue as
Finally raise
Elif from else
Import and pass
Else not with class
While yeild exec
Try if except
Print for assert
Break or return


Tulips are incomputable
Tuples, alas, immutable

Lists are, at last, appendable
Lollipops.. readily edible)


A virtually featureless surface
Of a protein can conceal
Numerous secrets



mangle_dupe_cols TRUE
To do is to be. To be is to do.
Do be do be do (с)

Здесь как минимум 4 цитаты: хелп к pd.read_csv, Сартр, Сократ и Синатра (м.б., еще и Воннегут)