Songs for Margo

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Every Day

Every day you are with me
It’s a challenging day.
Every day you are with me
It’s time travel.
Every day you are with me
It’s a wonderful day.
Every day you are with me
It’s a fairytale.

Every day you are with me
It’s the happiest day.
Every day you are with me
It’s a blessing.
Every day you are with me
It’s a real cool day.
Every day you are with me
It’s confessing.

Every day you are with me
I willingly pretend to be
A Dragonfly, a Bumblebee,
and a Cat in the Hat.
Every day you are with me
I willingly pretend to be
A Unicorn, a Lady Bug,
and Miss Butterfly.

Every day we are together
We make some sunny weather
With Dragonfly, Bumblebee,
and Cat in the Hat.
Every day we are together
We make some sunny weather
With Unicorn, Lady Bug,
and Miss Butterfly.


The sun did not shine, it was wet outside,
so, I was at home, doing nothing at all.
And then something bumped, the bump made me jump!
I rushed to the door, and, guess, whom I saw?
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! Funny and cool – Cat in the Hat!
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! My dear friend – Cat in the Hat!

Cat in the Hat, he offered to play
Some really good games when my mom is away
But my talking fish, she said: “No way!
That cat cannot stay, when your mom is away!”
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! The dangerous one – Cat in the Hat!
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! My dear friend – Cat in the Hat!

Cat in the Hat, he then said to the fish:
“I’ll show you, my dear, a wonderful trick.
And he took the fish, and put it on dish
And stood on the ball and could really hold:

A cup and a cake, two books and a rake,
a little toy ship, a whip, and a stick,
a pencil, a pen, a book, and a fan,
a clockwork clown…  And then… He fell down…
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! The adventurous one - Cat in the Hat!
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! My dear friend - Cat in the Hat!

The trick went so bad, it made such a mess…
The fish asked: “Who’ll clean it before mom is back?”
But I just replied: “Don’t worry, relax!
Cat in the Hat will clean all the mess?”
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! Funny and cool – Cat in the Hat!
Cat in the Hat! Cat in the Hat! My dear friend – Cat in the Hat!

Christmas Song

I am wishing Merry Christmas
and the Happiest New Year
to my mommy, dad, and Marcus!
To my grand folks and my friends!
Christmas season winter weather
bringing Peace and Love to Home…
All my Family together
singing joyful carol songs.

I’m admiring my Christmas
like a flight of holy dove…
Its divine and magic spirit
filling Life with Hope and Love…
Snowflakes are falling down,
beautifying all around …
Santa’s coming to the town
with a lot of gifts and fun…


There was a witch,
The witch had an itch.
The itch was so itchy,
It gave her a twitch!

Another witch
Admired the twitch,
So, she started twitching
Though she had no itch!

Now each of the witches
Keep itching and twitching.
And it’s hard to tell: which
Witch has which…

Witchy, witchy, witchy
Witchy, witchy itch!
Witchy, witchy, witchy
Witchy, witchy twitch!

A Apple August Ant
B Brother Barbie Bee
C Candy Chocolate Cat
D Daddy Dragon Deer
E Easter Engine Eagle
F French fries Frozen Friend
G Grandma Google Giggle
H Honey Home Hen
I Ice cream Iron I
J Jenia Jelly Jam
K Kiwi Kitty Kite
L Lemon Lily Lamb
M Mama Mermaid Much
N Ninja Navy Nip
O Orange Ocean Ouch
P Princess Puppy Pink
Q Quarter Quaker Queen
R Rainbow Rabbit Rail
S Santa Snow Scene
T TV Teacher Tail
U Uncle USA
V Vendor Venture Volt
W Water Winnie Way
X Xmass Xerox XO
Y Yummy Yellow You
Z Zebra Zumba Zoo