Town - short version

Анастасия Шистовская
   Every evening, when you use public transport, it is the same. You could go on a city train, tram or switch over to a bus, but generally, it didn’t change anything. Yes, the route changed, the people changed and stories were different, but you were with them and you stayed the same…

   The passengers’ faces looked out of the windows with some cold disengagement, as if their thoughts were not here. Staring at my reflection in a window pane, I saw the same facial expression that the people next to me had. Difficulty you found in such small events that took place around you day by day and so to the next weekends, then weeks, then months. Waves of frustration, misunderstandings and then silence.

   What were they talking about? About work. Work, money, town, the weather… These topics were everywhere. Many of the issues that were raised worried me too, because and I was a part of this stuffy society with such a simple name like ‘town’.