
Альбина Кумирова
Staying strong in the pit of affliction,
staying strong in temptation and grief,
Joseph kept his deep-rooted conviction
and, unswayable, held his belief.

He was sure, God's plan is unchanging.
Trusting His revelations from youth,
he endured his trials as training,
in his heart seeking justice and truth.

No matter what's been at him thrown,
his integrity made him shine.
He became a foundation of Stone
with the help of the grace divine.

No bitterness was in him dwelling,
he withstood under Satan's onslaught,
from the lowest point propelling
to the power heights he was brought.

Joseph's faith was steady and fervent,
being strengthen in flames of grief.
God exalted his faithful servant,
giving blessings beyond all belief.

Joseph shown a great example
of forgiveness to them, who offend,
and in his generosity ample
being merciful to no end.

God's elect, the forerunner of Jesus,
being a prototype of God's grace
that from sins most heinous frees us,
Joseph saved from hunger his race.

Circumstances can cause many sorrows,
many troubles on us can befall,
but the one, who his powers borrows
from the Lord, he will handle them all.

God can give us all strength to endure,
in the middle of troubles to thrive.
If we are in God's promises sure,
God will bring all His projects to live.
