Ñòèõè î ãîðîäàõ. Ïóáëèêàöèÿ 13

Ñàèä Êîìèññàðîâ
Äîëîé LA!

Eighty fourth. Orwell. World. Politics.
Cold War. The Russians. They and we. Ticks.
Blood-suckers. White House. Kremlin.
We know. All of them. Lean.
Down. Each other. USA.
Taking. Olympics. In LA.
Earlier. Russia. In Afghanistan.
Invasion. And for this. Any. Ban.
Moscow. Summer Olympics. Boycott.
Sportsmen. Careers. Destroy. Cot
case. “Empire of Evil”. Reagan.
Many. Sanction. USA. Gun.
Aim. Please. “Don’t be cruel”.
Admit. Sportsmen. They. Not to Kabul.
Later. Athletes of. Ëåîíèä Èëüè÷.
Won’t. See. California. Long Beach.
Casus belli. Games. To skip.
Not only. Moscow. Ìèð íå ïîãèá.
Would be. Patient. Also. Poland.
Eastern Europe. It all. And.
Mongolia. Cuba. Hollywood, chao!
Ethiopia. Angola. Vietnam. Lao –
Laos. Even. South Yemen.
Communist. For Ernesto Che. Men.
Albania. Lybia. And Iran.
Also. Boucott. ;No pasaran!
But. These. Countries. Not Marxist.
Just. Don’t. Love. USA. Resist.
China. Not to mention. Taipei.
Easy. And quickly. Go to LA.
Chief Organizer. Games. Peter
Ueberroth. Can. To see. Tar.
Soviet. Boycott. Revenge. Else.
Reagan. Says. Soviet. Like angels.
Sportsmen. Escape. May be. From.
Empire of Evil. Ñ âåòåðêîì.
Citius, altius, fortius. Leg.
×åðíåíêî. Doesn’t let. Ãåíñåê.
At death’s door. Áûñòðåé, âûøå, ñèëüíåé.
Such. Sunny. City. Like LA.
Very. Attractive. Anyway.
For emigration. Soviet. Motive.
Exploitation. Very So tiff.
Fight. Soviet. Said. Their. Çàïðîñ.
What about. Safety. Like a dross.
Ignored. Who? You see. Lay.
Anyway. Olympic. Torch. Relay.
Began. From New York. Not Olympia.
This. Grecian town. To deem. Pea.
On. Map. Easier. To flee. Than.
From. Olympia. Symbol. Heathen.
Specially. Made. For. LA.
As before. For every. Torch relay.
Symbol of. Success. Of US.
Aluminium. Torch. With. A brass
finish. Leather handle. Antique.
Look. Design. Demonstrates. When. Tick.
Time. Like wooden potato mashen.
Though. Brass. Wooden look. Like. Ash. In
the form. Of a stick. This is. What? Oar.
Silhouette. Olympic. Motto.
Citius, altius, fortius. This trey.
Divided. Five rings. Each word. LA.
Ready to accept. Games. Turner
Industries. Made. This. Burner.
Every. Torch. Had. Number.
Now. Easy. You can drum. Bar
of brass. Will be. Recognized. During.
800-miles. Trial. Ran. Wind. Blew. Ring.
Almost. Today. It is. So. Laugh.
But then. The valve. Inside the bowl. Of
the torch. Was. Recessed. Too deeply.
Finally. Such. We can see. Plea.
Structure. Changed. And type of. Propane.
Than. Will be. Better. Brass cain.
Relay. Organized. By AT&T.
Agency. PR. That made. High tea.
Sponsored. Provided. Staffing. The cause
of peace. Runner uniforms. Levi Strauss.
“Converse”. Supplying. Shoes. LA.
Organizing. Committee. Said. Relay.
“ An overwhelming success”. Achieving.
Two goals. Olympic. Promotion. And. We wing.
Young people. Healthy. Very. As
idea. In. Torch relay. Various.
Not like before. Segments of society.
Representation. Of it. So sheety.
Wide. For egalitarianism.
More. Multivariate. Prism.
Moreover. That was. First relay.
Organizers. Offer. To pay.
Invite. Participation. YLK.
Program. Youth Legacy. Kilometer.
Buy. For yourself. Or your friend Peter .
Subscription. Three thousand greeny.
Even if not. Runner. We. Knee.
Crunches. Charities. Eleven. Anyway.
Million dollars. To YMCA.
Part. This money. From YLK.
Four. Million. Third. Guarantee.
If. No customer. Then. AT&T.
Gave. Its. Volunteer. Altruism.
Funny. Egalitarianism.
Also. Casino. Caesar’s Tahoe.
Hotel. Ran a drawing. Yahoo!
Customers. Could. Win. Place. In
the distance. Lucky. In the relay. Seen.
Nevada. State. In which. Las-Vegas.
Where. Slower. Leads. Leg. Us.
Seven customers. And. Juridical person –
Forty two. Companies. To see. Source. On
sand. Fifth kilometer. Final.
Compared to this. To try. Null.
Decathlon. Montreal winner. Bruce
Jenner. To California. Introduce.
Relay. All right. Almost. But. Hellenic
Olympic Committee. Unhappy. Saracenic.
Barbaric. Monetization. Capitalism.
Great. Greek. Transatlantic. Schism.
Pecunia non olet. Says. Vespasian.
Antique emperor. It’s. Crazy. An
ideal. Negotiation. With Greek. Several
months. Diplomatic. Lever. All.
Efforts. Finally. Agreement.
Complete collapse. Scandal. We meant.
It was. May. LAOOC. Like Laco;n.
Constrained. By a lack. Own.
Of time. All States. To visit. Can
not. For example. Wyoming. Cheyenne.
Alaska. North and South Dakota.
Hawaii. Later. In Olympic. Motto.
Will appear. Communiter. The relay.
Thirty three. States. NY – LA.
Began. Bill Thorpe. The Eight of
May. Grandson. Jim Thorpe. Like sleigh. Tough.
Decathlon. And granddaughter. Gina
Nemphill of Jesse Owens. Winner.
Four golds. In Nazy lair. Relay fair.
Completed. By Olympic winner. Rafer
Johnson. Opening ceremony. Fancy.
Surpassing. Reagans. Ronald and Nancy.
Officials. Juan Antonio Samaranch.
President. IOC. People Bunch.
Prince Charles. Grand Duke Jean
of Luxemburg. Bright. Not pale-dun.
Audience. Celebrities. Evenstad –
Linda Evans. Actress. Very glad.
Bob Hope. Actor. Steven Spielberg. Gene
Kelly, actor, dancer. Thin,
refined. Countdown dock. Exhausted.
When. Impatiently. Candles. Blows. Ted.
Church bells. Rand. And with it. Cannons.
Shuddered. Startled. An angels. A nuns.
Corvine birds. Took of. Caw! Pen
fell. So. Olympic Games. Open.
First part. Song. Welcome. Cheerful. Vocals.
Then. Right after. Clock stoke. All’s
well. Written. Marvin Hamlish. And Dean
Pitchford. Thousand. Volunteers. Akin.
Athletes. Held. Five-foot. Balloons.
Ready to fly. Like. Fed. Well. Loons.
Text. “Welcome”. Swinging. On window.
Different. Languages. Bem-vindo!
Äîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü! Willkommen! ;;!
!;; ;;;; Welcome to win.
;;;;;; ;;! Bienvenue! Bonvenon!
;;;;! Benvenuro! Responds. Cannon.
Bienvenido! Benvenuto! Grata!
Balloons. Want to torn. Like a cutter.
Over one. Hundred. Languages. ;;;;;
;;;;;;! So. Et cetera. Los
Angeles. Rocketman. Bill Suitor.
With jet pack. Across. Stadium. Flew. Tore
along. Word “Welcome”. By. Performers.
Formed. Harmoniously. No mess.
It was. On the field. And. In the Heaven.
Skywriters. Typed. “Welcome”. Fouett;. When.
On the ground. Volunteers. Flowers.
Gave out. To the guests. Like above. As
gifts from Heaven. Balloons. Were. Release.
Selamat datang! Ho;geldiniz!
According to plan. Without. Time. Crunch.
Dignitaries. Were introduced. Samaranch
Huan Antonio. Barcinonenzse.
And Reagan. President. Husband of Nancy.
“Hail to the chief”. Presidential. Anthem.
Introduced. Well done! Theme.
By USA anthem. Followed.
Solemn music. Loud. So. Wet
the appetite. And then. By Aaron
Copland. Time. So far. Ran.
With pleasure. “I’ve got under my skin”.
“Music of America”. Program. Anton;n
Dvo;;k. “American Suite”. Czech
composer. Wrote it. Not for. Discot;que.
Eight hundred. Member. Marching.
Band. Performed. Like. Glass jar. Chink.
Powerfully. Orchestra. Consisting.
Primarily. From LA colleges. Whizz. Teen.
And. One member. From every. State. Lea
and flute. First part. The end. Lately.
Second part. History. Times. Grover,
Cleeveland. Reconstruction. A drover.
Nineteenth-twentieth. Century. CA
State. Gold mining. In river whey.
Four hundred ten. Members. Ballet
group. Synchronous. Le pas. Lay.
Hoedown. Dance. Segment. Number three.
Named by. “Dixieland Jamboree”.
Almost. In the rhythm. Alegretto.
Gospel choir. Led by. Etta
James. Three hundred. Members. Canto.
“When the Saints Go Marching in”. One, two.
The fourth segment. Urban Rhapsody.
George Gershwin’s. Stunningly. Steps. Eddy.
From. Coliseum’s peristyles. Grand pianos.
Eighty five. Came. Not to stun us.
With. Orchestra. Two hundred dancers. Please!
Later. I saw. Such. When. Äåíèñ
Ìàöóåâ. Ñî ñâîèì-òî. Ñ ðîÿëåì.
Ðàññåêàë.  Ñî÷è. Like in Harlem.
Îáìåí îïûòîì. Áåðè. Íå ðîáåé.
Ìàöóåâ. Played. Ðàõìàíèíîâ. In CA
State. Lived. Highest league. Meant.
His works. Further. Was fifth. Segment.
“The World Stage”. Big band. To play set.
From. Forties. Years. Time. Lake Placid.
Music. Songs. Mostly. From Broadway.
From movies. Specially. For CA.
Also was. “Sing, sing, sing”. So. But
wait! Millions. Russians. From Kaliningrad
to Anadyr. Listen. On TV. Âèêòîðèíà.
"×òî? Ãäå? Êîãäà?" Looser and winner.
Also. “Rhapsody in Blue”. From Gorky
Park. Musical. “Easter Parade”. “Steppin’
Out with My Baby”. Rhythm. Like a pin.
Musical. “A Chorus Line”. “One” – Kleban
Edward. Lyrics. The celeb. An
extravaganza. Entertainment.
Also. The theme. From. Film “Flame”. And.
Michael Jackson. Legendary. MJ.
Song “Beat it”. Later. In LA.
He died. Then. All dancers. Run. Toe
the line. To reproduce. Contour.
Map. USA. Without. States. HI
and AK. Intrigues. Of Soviet spy.
Accompaniment. “America the beautiful”. Twist.
Plot. Written by. Organist.
Samuel A. Ward. Later. To dye.
Coliseum. Countries flags. Land of Thai.
Cyprus. And so on. All. Visitors.
Had. Colour. Cards. Please. At. Ass.
From under. Puzzle. Demonstrating.
Harmonious work. In LA. Teen
games. Pleasantly. At the count of.
Three. Get it. And. Put down. Tough
landing. Again. Concentrated. Figures.
Of people. New cartons. We guess.
With white. Olympics flags. Volunteers.
Olympic logo. That before. We see, yes.
“Stars in motion”. Blue and red.
Symbol. Cold War. Êðàñíûé ñîñåä.
Ìèíîáîðîíû. And Pentagon.
Accompaniment. Composer. John
Williams. Who created. So much. Classic.
Star Wars. Home Alone. Harry Potter. Jurassic
park. Then. Was presented. Antwerpse vlag.
Olympic symbol. From Moscow. Øàõ!
To LA Mayor. Didn’t pick it up. Tom
Bradley. Personally. Ñ ìîñêâè÷îì.
With. Moscow mayor. Didn’t meet. Not wishing.
Enemies. He ans. Âèêòîð Ãðèøèí.
The parade of. National. Committees. As per
tradition. Greece. First. Soviet. Like Casper.
Not visible. But felt. Further. Speeches.
Without politics. Áåç Ìîñêâû. Chess
removed. IOC. Huan Antonio
Samaranch. According to law. Near.
Ueberroth. LAOOC. Speaking.
Reagan. Opened. Games. Glee. King.
Former. Governor. Of CA.
Visited. On his. Tried. Sleigh.
Eagle-drawn. Mascot. Sam.
Olympique. Am;ricain. Totem.
First case. Personally. High score.
President. Opened. Games. Not Theodore
Roosevelt. Not Hoover. Not JFK.
Although. There were. Games. In CA.
Carter couldn’t. Such. System glitch.
In the same year as. Ëåîíèä Èëüè÷.
Afterward. Released. Homing pigeons.
Flew away. Where. It. Lead. Genes.
On this. Eighty four. Olympic. The cauldron.
Retro. Not from. Metal rolled. Ran.
The same. From 1932. Also.
LA Olympics. Not under. Maul. Saw.
And unoriginal. Not skimpy. An
antiquity. Orchestra. Played. The Olympian.
Composed and conducted. By Philip
Glass. The torch. A little. To flee. Leap.
Entered. Stadium. Carried by. Gina
Nemphill. Granddaughter of. “Berliner”
Jesse Owens. She circled. Safer
and slower. Handed. The Torch. Rafer
Johnson. This time. Step rose. Mechanical.
From. Center of. Peristyles. Funny. Call
a spady a spady. “The Olympic” Hearing.
He lit. Gas powered. Olympic. Near. Ring.
Several. From there. To cauldron. Fire. Quick.
Further. Were taken. Serment Olympique.
Children’s chorus. Beethoven. Sang.
“An die Freude”. Die Ode. Hunk,
fragment. Local Teacher. McClure.
Led the crowd. Not for a lure.
Performance. Song of. Diana Ross.
“Reach Out and Touch”. Crowd. A jaws.
The words. Diplayed. Screens. For. Easing.
All attendees. Requested. Please, sing.
All. Volunteers, athletes. Dressed in.
Native dress. All the world. Requesting.
Also. Coliseum. By the voices. Cannoned.
On the. Big screens. Children. From Japan and
Australia. From Africa and Latin
America. LA. ;;;;;. Teen.
Fireworks. Precise. Not stray.
Illuminated. Across the night. LA.
Closing ceremony. With LAOSO.
Olympic Symphony Orchestra. Hoe.
Field. Stadium. Endpins. Dig. Avid.
Walker and Wolpen. Tommy and David.
Directed. Ceremony. Daniel Flannery.
Hired by them. A little later  than. January.
The Coliseum. Announcer. Charles Corsen.
Scenario. Thoughtful. Not coarsen.
Samaranch. In. Pre-recording. Like trainings.
Interview. The journalist. Peter Jennings.
ABC broadcast. Scored. Diez de diez.
The Games. 10 of the 10. He is
happy. The marathon. Not scripting.
With. Medals. Gold, silver. Not. Gyp tin.
Winner. Carlos Lopes. In order.
“A Portuguesa”. “O splendor de
Portugal”. Historically. Final equestrian.
Olympic stadium. Like a vestry. An
indestructibility. Le coutume.
But. This time. Those riders. Whom.
To complete. Last day. Location. Replacement.
Not. LA Coliseum. Horse race. Meant.
Will damage. Field. When. Weather. Sunny.
Three medalists. Heidi Robbiani.
Svizera. Bronzo. Individuale.
Salto ostacoli. Over. Gully.
Gold. To Joseph Fargis. Conrad
Hamfeld. With silver. Horse drawn. Rut.
National. Anthem. “The Star-Spangled
Bunner”. Sounded. When. Gold.
After. Another one. Victorious circle.
With medals. With pleasure. Not chore. Call
of the bells. As the Opening. Good alloy.
Earlier. In the cases. Ñ Ìîñêâîé.
On Montreal. Only. Âøåñòåðîì.
Delegation. Athlets. To the “prom”
ceremony. Organizing. Committee. LA.
Allowed. All. Sportsmen. Without. Fray.
To march. Over. Six thousands.
While. Watching. Beer bouse. Ends.
Front on the TV. “Olympic Fanfare and
Theme”. By John Williams. Again in LA. Rent.
Ain. With. Olympic American
Marching Band. On. Stadium prairie. Can
enjoy. Further. Hymn. Hellenic.
Founding country. Loud. In the nick
of time. Wonderful. Listening. Ease.
“Hymn to Liberty”. ;;;;; ;;;
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;.And. Hymn. SK –
South Korea. Seoul. After. LA.
Host city. And just like. I mentioned. Äåíèñ
Ìàöóåâ. So and. Across the seas.
Korean city. Seoul – Pyeongchang.
Antwerp flag. From Bradley. Done
it. To colleague. Seoul. Mayor. Yom
Po-hyun. Samaranch. Between he. And Tom
Bradley. American. Chldren. To Korean.
Gifts. Silver coins. Olympic. Glee. An
exchange. ;;;;. ;;.
;;. ;; ;;. Also. Fun.
Again. “Ode to Joy”. Beethoven’s.
Just like when. Granddaughter of. Owens.
At the cauldron. Further. “Bloom”.
Korean. Traditional dance. Buchaechum.
The dance. Performed by. Seoul.
City Dance Theater. With. Hand fans. Tool.
For. Figures. Mascot. ;;;.
;;;. After. Eagle Sam. Cool story.
Later. Ballet. By George Balanchin.
Dance. Theater of Harlem. Win-win.
Ueberroth. Speech. And. H. A. S. –
Samaranch. Also speech. Despu;s.
In English. Awarding. Olympic. Order in
Gold. To Ueberroth. For daring.
Closed. Called. Youth. To assemble.
Four years. ;;.My dear. Scram! Ball
is over. Olympic flag. Lowered.
Olympic hymn. Sung. So. Where? It.
Joy. Military trumpeters.
Again. War. Truce is over. Some. Peter’s
efforts. Transient. Actor Richard
Basehart. Read. Lyrics. Which. Art
to inspire. Pindar’s Ode. Poet.
Ancient. Last refrain. All. Saw. At
the cauldron. Flame. Cancelled. LA.
Instead. Cauldron. Sorrowful. Tray.
Apr;s Paris ; Los-Angeles.
The third time. Games. Again. God bless!