Life. Cross

Ольга Гуро-Фролова
Just as day and night are different in their essence,
So the forms of the mind are different in the flesh,
And if someone rejects  half,
then the thread  of the sacred meaning loses its sense.

Where life finds forms of embodiment ,
there the mind  has laid its ID.
The social status  does not matter  in the information field  ,
And the color  of the skin is geographically blurred  as an ancestral tree.

In the rejection  of other forms ,where a protest  was brewing ,
The cross appeared ambiguously breaking someone's thought.
Because  by cutting off  two rays ,the holy spirit  created progress,
Showing that by accepting the light of the two rays,

They were able  to unite  into  an alternative,
Opening the way to a sacred new path,
And everything in which  the meaning  was  indicated  and taken in the triune ray.
That tree branches or stars  intersecting in the sky will show the  way to those  Who have lost  it in special race.

As night has fallen on the day,so the day has found the refuge in its silence,uniting religious into one ,where there will be no wars,natural disasters.
Phenomena  are described  in different languages,and the whole meaning  of birth is dissipated,exposing  ignorance in the name  of the primacy of causes.
And if someone's mind  is punished by exile,how can he  do something good  for the whole of nature if he afflicted by?

They try to attract the attention of their own kind,but those who lie  finds safety  , they are saved by lies.
That life is a confrontation  as a principal of survival ,bearing its cross in the name of Christ.
And having  found the root cause  in equality ,it's time  to accept the changes and open archives.
In order not to torment the planet by rejecting  the religion of one sacred  twist.