
Юрий Слободенюк
FUBAR  rate 
(Adult / Slang)
Nonsexual military jargon meaning: Fucked Up Beyond Recognition.

(1) Lawrence Paros, The Erotic Tongue (1984): 'World War II begat a host of lesser imitations of SNAFU, the best of which include COMMFU (a Complete Monumental Military F* *k-up), FUBAR (F* *ked Up Beyond Recognition), FUBB (F* *ked Up Beyond Belief), FUMTU (F* *ked Up More Than Usual), CPU (General F**k-up), and IMFU (Immense Military F**k-up). Complicating matters even further were Joint Anglo- American F* *k-ups (JAAFU] and Joint Anglo-Chinese F* *k-ups (JACFU). With luck, things were SAMFU (SelfAdjusting Military F* *k-ups), but often they could only be described as TARFU (Things Are Really F* *ked Up) or TAFUBAR (Things Are F* *ked Up Beyond All Recognition).'

(2) Gabe Cash ( Kurt Russell ) and Ray Tango ( Sylvester Stallone ) in Tango and Cash (1989):
-- Gabe: ' Did our experience of last night give you a brain meltdown? I don't know about you, but I have a slight aversion to FUBAR.'
-- Tango: ' What's FUBAR? '
-- Gabe: ' Fucked-up beyond all recognition.'

FUBAR  rate 
(Abbreviation) F--ked Up Beyond All Recognition