Night of salvation

ßêîá Óðëèõ
Èíîãäà ÿ ÷óâñòâóþ,
÷òî óòîìë¸í äî ïðåäåëà,
È íàñòóïèë ìîìåíò
óíåñòèñü äàëåêî, äàëåêî îòñþäà.

I beg for salvation flare
in the gloomy hour
of bitter need;
O, take me somewhere unearthly nice,
megacity sparkling...

And you know for certain,
the livelong night
I'll be wandering far away,
fascinated heart;
Magical place,
where magnificent
lights and chants
Will triumphally flood
saturated sapphire sky,
Thickly disperse on the glass
of unveiled eyes
With aplenty of blazing pellets
in awing rite,
Then subside on my eaves
like the luminous varicoloured powder.

12 ìàðòà, 2023 ãîä.