A Funny BCBA Exam Moment with Stas Dombrovskiy

Михаил Салита
Epigraph: "Control is not about making something happen, it's about making something happen the way you want it to happen" - Mikhail Salita

Stas Dombrovskiy was preparing for the BCBA certification exam and answering questions. Suddenly he was asked, "Which level of scientific understanding is suggested by 'Withdrawal design data indicate that when children get training, scores go up - when they don't, scores go down'?"

"Control (Functional Relations)," he replied without hesitation.

"What does that mean?" asked the exam participants.

"Well, it's like in Odessa: if you drink champagne, your mood will rise, and if you don't drink, it will go down," Stas replied with a smile.

The exam participants laughed and applauded, appreciating his humorous approach to answering the question.