In emptiness

Томас Кромвель
In emptiness I fell in love, with empty
And never-ending corridors of thoughts
At times they’re populated by the gods
At other times by devils ever ranting

In emptiness I fell in love, in those
Two hundred couple doors a bit ajar
A dimly lamp agleam as if a star
The only light yet light so keenly tempting

In emptiness I fell inside, so sweet
Are grippings of the night forever falling
Though many find the emptiness appalling
I pray at dark spewn ever at my feet

In emptiness I pray at night tomorrow
I borrow all I need from being observing
The movements of ideas topsy-turvy
In steps oblivious elusively I follow

In emptiness I need indeed the sorrow
Shut down the luck a blind unfair lady
A little wobbling, being on edge unsteady
I look inside of me and see I’m hollow

I guess, whatever day I’ll die tomorrow