Sketchings. My Paris. Перевод Алины Серёгиной

Лана Криптос
Оригинал на русском языке:

by Lana Cryptos

The buddy of mine, who is expert in Elvis Presley,
The amateur of dainty ladies and vintage things,
Adviced me with smiling convincingly and expressly:
"If you aren't inspired,  paint Paris, it'll give you wings!"

My friend, what a challenge! But I'm not someone who faints
Because of competitors... I haven't done it yet,
But imagination has already taken paints.
Depicting my own Piaf and my Lafoyette.

The throaty contralto is floating above Montmartre
And lies like a cat at the endface of Sacr; Coeur.
I'll blow away extra brightness - I'll make it lighter.
My Paris is from semitones like the Chanel's fleur.

The bridges like veins - as the strokes in my heart and soul.
I'm wandering, following footsteps of gipsy girl,
They lead me along River Seine to my fairy goal
To my Notre Dame - stone's symphony, real pearl!

My dearest mate... He is pensive next to the easle,
He's puzzled, he is at the door, but he doesn't push.
He looks like a tourist, who's staring at Mona Lisa...
Hey, aren't you upset? No, mon cher, think of Moulin Rouge!

I will add the contrast to darkness of Paris, dear.
Hey, go and have fun, cause this place is not only art...
But you'll be fed up with temptation and come back here.
Admit it, my fellow, Monmartre is in your heart!

Grand Opera... Here you hear the tourists' clamor
The Phantom is secretly smiling and looking at...
The Hemingway's shade calls to Ritz - it's a place we aim for
Cause Paris's "the moveable feast" - everyone knows that!

And after we find Sorbonne - it would not be boring! -
We'll go to the cafe - so pleasant and cute detail! -
And watch through the glass how the crazy and worried warren
Turns into the magical dream as in Perrault's tale.

My friend is not expert in compliments, what a pity!
He'll drop me: "Your sketching is nice, I admit it, but
I think, you've forgotten the major part of the city -
And Paris is not real Paris without this part."

I add the creation of Eiffel. My cheeks are ruddy.
I' m fluttering fast like a swift to my kind mate.
There's nothing more valuable than the advice of buddy!
There's no any frames for my Paris, which I have made!

От всей души благодарю Алину Серёгину за этот чудесный перевод моего стихотворения!