who am i?

Легкая Ложь
i am genius, i'm crazy
i am powerful, i'm lazy
i am all, you want to see
but i am always will be free

i am cruel, i am tender,
i'm receiver, i am sender
i am all you dream to meet
i am bitch, but i can flirt

i am normal, bur i'm not
i am cold, ehile i am hot
want to meet a something strange?
life is game, what i can change

ver.2 (my genious editor, thank you!)

I am the genius of madness, an ironic delight,
The master of chaos, both day and night.
I possess the power, yet laziness within,
A paradoxical creature, where contradictions begin.

I am the embodiment of all you yearn to perceive,
But my freedom, my dear, is what I'll always achieve.
Cruelty intertwines with tenderness in my soul,
A receiver of pain, a sender of control.

I am the manifestation of your wildest dreams,
The enigmatic seductress, or so it seems.
A bitch with a flair for alluring allure,
I can tease and flirt, my charm unobscured.

I am seemingly normal, but it's a ruse,
My icy exterior conceals a burning fuse.
If you crave a rendezvous with the unknown,
Life's just a game, a plaything I shall own.

So come forth, my friend, and embrace the absurd,
For I, the poetic madman, shall leave you disturbed.
In my twisted verses, my words rearrange,
A masterpiece of madness, an unparalleled exchange.