The fear of forgetting

Фендеров Федор
the life is simple: children, work and love.
the perfect image: marriage, me and you.
I'm used to it so much that now I can't
distinguish if it's true or deja vu.
I fall asleep, can't wake until it's June...
or autumn... or next year... or nar som helst.
I'm trying not to fade.
I do my best!
the faces all around are now just melting paint.
I see, I think! I'm lost at sea and sink...
forget my name! and let me do it, too!
I'm losing memories so quickly... blink by blink...
the world around... crumbling... thoughts... ablaze...
the loss of meaning... who am I...
I'm... hollow?..
The last thing... don't remember...
I can't smile...