Like the first breath to the last..

= Like the first breath to the last...=


ABC...  believing... Forces
I hoped it would help, I really need it...
I, in the Past....  I asked for inspiration
They refused, unfortunately, amicably....

Of the many, rustling voices,
Spraying the dust of consciousness in the wind,
They were looking after...  And they couldn't help
Erroneous confessions came under pressure.

Everything was sewn together with a seam, militant, ... For Evil
With a dry thread, rubbing with wax....
What does death mean?  She's kind to me,
I, a mortal, remember her warmth...

Everything is basic, but breathing is the essence!
A foundation of foundations, no wisdom wiser:
So the first breath to the last, with oil of fir,
In a human way, it softens the path.

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