gan Eden

Алекс Штейнберг
you take me as I am,
flaws and all-imperfect,
sinful, a bit rough
around the edges.

no shared future for us
with you over 'there'
and me over 'here',
and me not exactly fitting
into your picture-perfect world.

but you still listen to my stories,
even if you're silently judging,
and you always manage to find
something nice to say out loud.

honestly, I don't know
if I deserve that.
growing up Jewish
and unloved,
it's hard to believe in love now,
especially when I'm not exactly
Mr. Perfect.

I'm sorry I can't give you more,
can't match your bright feelings
with anything grand.

…but every day, I'll escape
from this crazy rat race
of money and lust
into our little gan Eden
where I can just be myself,
with you right there
beside me.