adult movie

Алекс Штейнберг
I'm here again,
not my first time.
can't say I'm quite used to
how things go down here.

parked the car, handed over
my phone, got the bracelet.
I have nothing with me,
no belongings at all.

tonight's theme?
"Lucifer's Rager"
well, it seems we're all
heading to that
infernal gathering.

went to the bar,
got a neat whiskey.
spotting familiar faces.

feel older than everyone here.
and perhaps, I'll be
the first to meet Satan.
been ready for a while,

even made attempts.

on the big screens,
it’s adult movie night.
got a bed set up
in the middle.

everyone's gathered 'round.
so, ready to kick things off?
got on my sharp suit -
the devil wears Prada.