by Francois Ozon

Алекс Штейнберг
для М.

What significance do those three years hold for you? Did you truly believe we had no future?

…Remember when I nervously introduced you to my parents, hoping they'd see in you what I saw..?  I couldn't tell them who you are to me, but I tried to express how much you matter, and it might've sounded a bit silly. But you handled it so gracefully and were so charming that they didn't suspect a thing…

…Remember when I bought that car, and we drove around the city, stopping at the most beautiful places, stealing kisses? I wasn't afraid of anyone seeing us… With you, nothing else mattered.

…And that weekend at my folks' place in the countryside, where we soaked up the sun by the river, biked around, and shared stories 'til late. And the next morning, my mom found us sleeping together…

Do you recall swimming naked in the sea? And those daring dives off the tallest tower? Or when you got sick from that terrible whiskey…

I've got so many of these stories, we could totally make a movie. You know, like a sad one, kind of like those Francois Ozon films. But honestly, I probably wouldn't even watch it. I'm not one for tears.