World-2024 with my 3 books from Australia!

Георгий Георгиевич Ларин: литературный дневник

I'm triumphant in 2024: my HAPPY NEY YEAR - it's my 3 BOOKS gived a title "Uri Runtu's Playhouse: the Neotranscendental Theatre: 10 plays, 20 essays", published in ACT Canberra, Australia by the charitable organization the "World Patrick White Intellectual Heritage" in 2022-2023.
On can see my 3 BOOKS = my 3 VOLUMES in the Catalogue of the National Library of Australia (NLA):"> (NLA: CATALOGUE: ACADEMICIAN GEORGE G. LARIN: 3 BOOKS), or also:"> (NLA: CATALOGUE: ACADEMICIAN GEORGE G. LARIN: 3 VOLUMES).
This excellent exclusive edition (that is my 3 BOOKS = my 3 VOLUMES) is my extra successful art'n'scientific project realized jointly with Australia's Academician, Prof., Ph.D. Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu, my very good friend and great fellow-countryman.
O.K.!!! Happy New Year 2024! Well done!!!

Другие статьи в литературном дневнике:

  • 01.01.2024. World-2024 with my 3 books from Australia!