Рецензия на «Любить поэта» (Камирра)

first time I thought that’s fantastic and couldn’t find enough words to convey my feelings to thee. second time round I thought it’s too bad for the meaning of it, and couldn't find meaningful words either. and now I am afraid to read it again as cannot predict my own reactions. my giddy aunt, what a silly nonsense am I blabbing, hey?
you know I recently re-inspected (for no good reason yet thoroughly) my own creative writings or whatever it is and arrived at slightly coerced conclusions which procured further resolutions that are likely to upset my friends... regrettably so.
wishing you all the happiness in the world. you deserve it, you really do.
ever yours

Чёрный Георг Предел Невозможного   16.04.2010 02:51     Заявить о нарушении
oh no, you never are (blabbing), honestly :) why, meaning - is just A meaning, and can be twisted this way and that ))
authors should be forbidden to read their own poetry, that's for sure.
and your further resolutions - I'm scared, I really am
wish I could have a less blurred head than the one I'm having now and have almost got used to having already
badly wish I could be a bit closer to you
and I absolutely refuse to hear any sort of farewell notes in your kind (but sounding so sad) wishes
always with you

Камирра   16.04.2010 22:25   Заявить о нарушении

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